USA Groups provides engineering, fabrication and construction services to the telecommunications industry as well as companies in a variety of other industries who demand on time, on budget results.
At USA Groups, we offer a true turnkey experience – our experts design, engineer, fabricate and install. With our vast experience and long track-record of proven results, you can rest assured that your project will be handled right, right from the start.
We have deep experience with complex foundations so we can resolve issues rapidly without service disruptions.
Our engineering and fabrication services work together to create platforms that are the highest quality and specifically designed to meet your needs.
Anything from small equipment landings to large custom platforms, our facility and team can handle your project. We have experience designing, fabricating and installing everything from ground platforms to rooftop multi-component structures.
We have the expertise to keep customers on air throughout the tower modification process – while extending the life of the tower and increasing revenue.
With over 20 years’ experience in the design, fabrication and installation of tower modifications, we understand the entire process.
Our team works closely with the engineers of record – and owners – to provide a modification installation that meets design intent and the aggressive schedule of the telecommunication industry. We excel at closing a project with the requested deliverables immediately after construction is complete.
USA Groups has been called out on numerous sites for emergency response. Everything from rescuing distressed eagles and wildlife to preventing a tower collapse. Our facility stocks many of the common materials required for tower modifications.
USA Groups provides engineering, fabrication and construction services to the telecommunications industry as well as companies in a variety of other industries who demand on time, on budget results.